We connect people
to make communities better!
We connect people to make
communities better!
Cloud Tech
Artificial Intelligence
Data Visualization
Big Data
Business Intelligence
Block Chain
konektd is powered by various stakeholders including Corporates, PBOs and other Value-Adding Institutions.
Community Challenges:
Fragmented communication and issue reporting.
Poor and inefficient service delivery.
Inability to track trends, patterns, and recurring community challenges.
Admin intensive community management.
Smart Communities Solution:
Datafication of civic data directly from residents through the use of mobile and cloud technologies to crowd-source incident data.
Render data in real-time to data visualization dashboards and analytics tools to help communities uncover specific short-term and emergent patterns behind their issues.
Apply Machine Learning models to incident data and cross-pollinate with other datasets such as demographics, meteorology, etc. to create predictive analytics for communities so they can action the right incidents and deploy scarce resources to the highest impact problems.
The Outcomes:
Local Service Provider Challenges:
Challenge to find a sustainable network of customers and growing business in local communities using traditional methods.
High advertising cost with hit and miss approach.
Lack of marketing expertise or budget.
Opportunity costs when traveling far.
Smart Provider App Solution:
Helps to create financially sustainable community-based businesses by connecting them to local residents.
Reduce the carbon footprint of community businesses by exposing their services to customers within their communities.
Reduce their costs/expenses and improve profitability.
Help grow local businesses and create more local jobs.
Smart Provider Outcomes:
Increased customer base, closer to home!
Smart just in time, geo-targeted promos.
Reduced print and digital ad spending.
Sustainable income.